Saturday 5 April 2008

First reactions

Looking at the list I see that there is a lot to do in London. The list represents my repressed intentions from 6 years in London. It's the "One day I'll..." list, the "I'd like to but it's too expensive..." list, a reaction against the "I'm bored today but can't think of what to do. I'm sure there's something out there in London..." mentality.

Looking through the items I see there's a wide range of activities. Simple-to-do through to book-in-advance, from epic to humble, free to expensive, daytime to night-time, from things-you-can-do-anywhere through to London-only-experiences. Writing the list out has revealed to me how many things I have been putting off doing. When I have a free day to do whatever I want I suppose there's always been too many things to choose from. How do you wake up on that particular day and say "Yes! TODAY I will visit the Chelsea Physic Garden"? Things like that always had the status of "That'd be nice to do... but, err, not right now - the laundry won't do itself.".

But now here is the list. I'm sure I've left a load of things out and that they'll be lists upon lists to come but, be sure, one by one, these activities will be done. And, for your benefit, this blog will let you know how they go.

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